Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Tutorial bikin menu horizontal di blogger

Kali ini saya akan mencoba menulis tutorial / cara mudah bikin menu horizontal di blogger. Sebenarnya ada banyak cara untuk membuat menu horizontal di blogger, sehingga saya bingung mau menuliskan tutorial menu horizontal blogger yang bagaimana.

Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk menuliskan panduan membuat menu horizontal untuk blogger yang menurut saya mudah, dan semoga tutorial ini dapat di fahami dan mudah di praktek kan.

Ok langsung saja.
Panduan membuat menu horizontal blogger
  1. Login ke dashboard blogger
  2. Klik menu Design/Rancangan (Klik menu Tata Letak = untuk blogger tampilan baru menunya ada di sebelah kiri)
  3. Klik Add Gadget / Tambah Gadget.
  4. Pilih/klik opsi HTML/Javascript
  5. Kemudian masukkan kode menu horizontal yang saya tulis diakhir artikel ini.
  6. Klik Save / Simpan
  7. Selesai
Nah itulah tutorial bikin menu horizontal blogger.

Catatan :
Letakkan gadget di tempat yang sesuai (biasanya di bawah gadget header)

Berikut kode menu horizontal yang harus di masukkan pada gadget HTML/JavaScript (no:4 - 5)
#cat-menu { background:url(pop.png) no-repeat center top; height:35px;}
/* category navigation */
.nav { width:100%;z-index:99; float:left; margin:10px 0 0 0; padding:0px; list-style:none; line-height:1; height:35px;box-shadow: 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.27), 0 0 40px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06) inset;}
.nav a { position:relative; color:#999; display:block; z-index:100; text-decoration:none; }
.nav li { float:left; width:auto; border-right:1px solid #d9d9d9; }
.nav li a { font:bold 11px/15px Arial,serif; padding:10px 12px; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase; }
.nav li a:hover, .nav li a:active, .nav li.current-cat, .nav li.current-cat-parent { background:none; color:#004276; text-decoration:underline;}
.nav li ul { background:#444; position:absolute;width:172px; margin:0px 0px 0px -2px; border:1px solid #333; border-width:1px 1px 0px; z-index:999; }
.nav li ul li {border-bottom:1px solid #333; border-right:none; }
.nav li ul li a { background:#444; width:147px; padding:7px 12px; color:#fff; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal; }
.nav li ul li a:hover { background:#f9f9f9; color:#004276; text-decoration:underline; }
.nav li ul ul { margin:-31px 0px 0px 171px; }
<div id='cat-menu'>
<ul class='sf-menu nav' id='cat-nav'>
<li><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='#'> Menu 1</a></li>
<li><a href='#'> Menu 2</a></li>
<li><a href='#'> Menu 3</a></li>
<li><a href='#'> Menu 4</a></li>
<li><a href='#'> Menu 5</a></li>
ganti tanda pagar ( # ) pada kode <a href='#'> dengan link yang teman inginkan, bisa link label, postingan, atau link yang mengarah kesitus lain.
Silakan ganti tulisan Menu 1 - Menu 5 dengan nama menu yang teman inginkan.
Selamat mencoba dan semoga berhasil
Jangan Lupa Commennya.. Ditunggu LO......

Just StrewFold
"Need More Intelligent"
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AIMP3 Skin

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Download 21 New Aimp3 Skins

Sebelum mendownload skin untuk Aimp3 bagi yg belum memilki Aimp3 bisa di Download di sini
nah jika sudah tinggal download aja Skin nya Aimp3 ok.....


2. Zeon

3. Vkontakte_AIO

4. Millenium_v.2

5. S7Reflex

6. Pandemic_AIO_Simple

Untuk menghemat koneksi internet kita maka untuk reviewnya saya cuman sertakan 7 buah saja,,, tapi tetap jumlah skins Aimp3 yg saya bagikan adalah 21... untuk ,mendownload semua skinnya dapat di download Di sini Gratis....

Enjoy With Amip3

Jangan Lupa Komentnya y.....

Just StrewFold
"Need More Intelligent"
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Download 57 Skin Pack AIMP2

Sebelumya saya sudah pernah mengposting tentang software AIMP2 musik player, nah pada postingan kali ini berhubungan juga dengan pemutar musik AIMP2, 57 skin pack sudah saya upload ke server mediafire, sehingga downloadnya pun akan lebih cepat,
cara instalnya pun simpel yaitu cukup ektrak semua skin ke folder c:\program files\amip2\skins atau bisa juga dengan klik ganda pada salah satu skin yang di ingin makan secara otomatis program aimp2 akan terbuka dan menyimpan skin ke folder diatas,

dalam 57 skin pack ini berisikan, A700, Aimp Angry modern, Alien morph, B&W, Barracuda, Aif, Black glass, Black Lineage v2, Black Night v2, Black Reflection Style, CarRadio, ClassicRecorder, Cyrix, GOM Player 2, Hameleon, KMPlayer, WMP11-AIMP2, masih banyak lagi....

Skinnya sangat menarik jadi jangan ragu untuk mencobanya y
Download 57 Skin Pack AIMP2 Gratis

Catatan : jika dalam menginstal skin kadang tidak kedektis oleh aimp player makan lakukan extrak file skin dan klik kanan pada salah satu skin yang mau di instal, lalu pilih open with, cari Aimp2 lalu klik OK,,,jika mengalami masalah kendala bisa tanya di (Gtalk)

Just Strewfold
"Need More Intelligent"
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Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Cara menentukan angka sudut dwell

Besar Sudut Dwel dan Kemampuan Pengapian

Kemampuan pengapian ditentukan oleh kuat arus primer.
Untuk mencapai arus primer maksimum, diperlukan waktu pemutusan kontak pemutus yang cukup.
Devinisi sudut dwell adalah sudut yang terbentuk dari titik pertama pada saat kontak pemutus mulai menutup sampai dengan titik pada saat kontak pemutus mulai terbuka. Atau dengan kata lain sudut yang terbentuk dari titik pertama pada saat celah rubbing blok dengan as distributor mulai renggang sampai dengan titik pada saat celah rubbing blok dengan as distributor mulai menutup.

Sudut dwell kecil
* Waktu penutupan kontak pemutus pendek
* Arus primer tidak mencapai maksimum
* Kemampuan pengapian kurang.
Sudut dwel besar
* Kemampuan pengapian baik, tetapi waktu mengalir arus terlalu lama
* Kontak pemutus menjadi panas
* Kontak pemutus cepat aus.
Kesimpulan : Besar sudut dwel merupakan kompromis antara kemampuan pengapian dan umur kontak pemutus

a. Celah kontak pemutus kecil
Sudut buka kecil ( b )
Sudut Dwel besar ( a )
Kesimpulan :
Sudut dwel besar ® celah kontak pemutus kecil
b. Celah kontak pemutus besar
Sudut buka besar ( b )
Sudut Dwel kecil ( a )
Kesimpulan :
Sudut Dwel kecil ® celah kontak pemutus besar
Penjelasan :
a. Sudut pengapian = Z
Z = jumlah silinder
b. Sudut dwell » 60% x sudut pengapian
» 60% x Z
Contoh : Menghitung sudut dwel motor 4 silinder dan 6 silinder
Motor 4 silinder

Sudut pengapian = Z = 6 = 900
3600 3600
Sudut dwel = 60% x 900 = 540
toleransi ± 20
Besar sudut dwel = 540 ± 20
\ sudut dwel = 520 – 560

Motor 6 silinder
Sudut pengapian = Z = 6 = 600

3600 3600
Sudut dwel = 60% x 600 = 360
toleransi ± 20
Besar sudut dwel = 360 ± 20
\ sudut dwel = 340 – 380

Perlu diketahui bahwa angka toleransi masing-masing pabrikan berbeda
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Nero 11.0.15800 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11 x86+x64 [2011, ENG + RUS]

Windows Software | Nero 11.0.15800 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11 x86+x64 (2011, ENG + RUS) | 933 MB

Nero Lite 11.0.15800 Platinum HD, the most recent version of universal utilities to CD/DVD and edit multimedia content. It is one of the best packages for writing to CD-R, CD-RW and DVD discs. Allows the use of KoolMoves, writes as audio CD and computer disks, including boot, as well as videos (formats Video CD and Super Video CD) and DVD.

Playback of Blu-ray
Turn your House in this theater.

Play your favorite movies and home videos, recorded on Blu-ray, high definition audio and film-quality DTS and Dolby Digital Surround right on your computer.

Synchronizing via Wi-Fi and USB
Full synchronization for smartphones, and Tablet PCs running Android ™.

Nero is Kwik Mobile Sync allows you to share music, photos, and video between PCs and Android devices on wireless networks. Optimize your content on the fly, because literally one movement you can play almost anything you want: on the playlist of songs from iTunes to downloaded movies. Thanks to the rapid automatic identification devices, you can select any device from a large list of compatible devices and burn music, photos and video.

The Integrated Nero MediaBrowser
Simple and fast access from media library to your project.

Thanks to an entirely new component of Nero, you can immediately begin MediaBrowser over any project. In most projects, you can single-click access to a library of music, photos and video. Your work is simple and convenient, because now you can drag files, photos, videos and music from the library of Nero Kwik Media into your project

Convert and compress a DVD-Video or video
Whether it be video, shot on your mobile phone, or DVD movie, each device requires its playback format. Nero 11 provides additional capabilities for transcoding video, which allow you to convert almost any DVD movie or video file into any video format for playback on any device, so you can easily view their favorite videos everywhere.

Nero LIVEBackup
Continuous reliable backup.

Simple one-touch backup using Nero LIVEBackup to protect all your files and even entire operating systems. You can also select a backup manually, but only Nero LIVEBackup provides continuous, reliable backups.

Simple and advanced video editing mode
Get delicious results regardless of their experience in video editing. You can easily switch from quick Storyboard editing mode in advanced editing in one touch and continue to work on a project in the same window. Go with a simple and easy to use templates to mnogodorožečnomu editing effects, keyframes on a single screen video editing, wonderful templates blending effects, picture-in-picture ", and much more. Your home projects qualtiy will please friends and relatives like never before.

Burning long-lived disks
Experts, who were the first to realize the burn technology, constantly improve their decisions. Only the application Nero SecurDisc 3.0 scanning surface ensures readability drive regardless of scratches, age and worn out, so that your content will be stored for a long time on disks intact.

Home Page -

Download 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part1.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part2.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part3.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part1.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part2.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part3.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part1.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part2.rar 11 Full + Creative Collections Pack 11.3ArabArchive.Net.part3.rar
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E-on Ozone 5.0 (Win/MacOSX)

Windows Sofware | E-on Ozone 5.0 (Win/MacOSX) | 235.81 MB
The Ozone 5 plug-in lets you create and render hyper-realistic skies and atmospheres in 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage, Lightwave and Cinema4D. Ozone 5 implements the cutting-edge technologies developped by e-on software for the simulation and rendering of atmospheric effects. Its atmospheres provide an accurately simulated environment that affects all elements of your scenes and behaves according to nature’s rules. Ozone 5 is built on the same algorithms and integration technology as Vue xStream, but is limited to atmospheres and skies.

With four atmospheric models – spectral, volumetric, standard and environment mapping, over 100 preset atmospheres and 100 preset cloud shapes, Ozone 5 is the most complete, realistic and productive solution for creating skies and atmospheres that come alive. Your atmospheres can be as realistic as what you see out your window or they can be as imaginative as the green and purple sunsets of uncharted planets.

A single license of Ozone 5 can be used with all compatible applications and renderers installed on your system.
Ozone 5 for Maya works with MentalRay, Maya software and V-Ray renderers.
Ozone 5 for 3ds Max works with MentalRay and V-Ray renderers.
Ozone 5 for Softimage works with MentalRay.
Ozone 5 for LightWave and Cinema4D works with the native renderer.

MentalRay and V-Ray Compatibility
Ozone 5 is fully compatible with MentalRay's specific technologies, such as Sun&Sky, Photometric Lights, Distributed Bucket Rendering, etc.
Ozone 5 is fully compatible with V-Ray's specific Sun and Sky technologies.
Ozone 5 will automatically adjust it's settings to match the effects of these features, whenever they are used in 3ds Max, Maya or Softimage.

Rendering flexibility
Ozone 5 lets you easily disable the rendering of the Ozone sky and/or atmospheric effects (e.g. when using MentalRay or V-Ray Sun&Sky). You can even disable the rendering of Ozone content altogether, for instance when performing tests on the host-application-part of the scene.If the entire Ozone content is disabled from render, the Ozone 5 plug-in won't be loaded in the first place.

Ozone atmospheric effects can be rendered alongside other volumetric plug-ins running in the host application (contingent upon the implementation of the plug-in). For instance, rendering alongside LightWave HyperVoxels or Maya Fluids is possible.

The Ozone 5 interface is straight-forward and productive. It consists of 4 or 5 tabs, depending on the atmosphere model:
Sun to adjust the position and size of the sun.
Light to select and modify the lighting model you wish to use – standard or global ambience.
Clouds to create layers of clouds and adjust their settings.
Fog and Haze to adjust the density, distribution and color of the fog and haze.
Sky, Fog and Haze (for Spectral Atmospheres) to set up parameters for fog and haze and to add such effects as volumetric sunlight and godrays.
Effects to add special effects such as rainbows, stars, ice rings, etc...

Feature Shortlist
- Highly productive and easy to use interface
- Animated atmospheres (keyframes, timeline)
- Four atmosphere models: Standard, Volumetric, Spectral and Environment Mapping
- Full control over all aspects of the atmosphere
- Fully adjustable fog and haze
- Realistic light and air interactions
- Automatic creation of lens flares for the Ozone sun light
- Customizable rainbows, ice rings, stars...
- State of the art algorithms for top quality results
- Highly optimized code designed to deliver speed
- Extensive library of over 100 predefined atmospheres
- Over 100 different cloud shapes
- Visual browsers to locate files rapidly
- Saves atmospheres (with preview) for future use
- Imports Vue atmospheres and clouds

Windows XP/XP64/Vista 32/64, Win 7 32/64
2GHz Pentium IV or better processor,
1GB of free RAM (2GB recommended),
200 MB of free Hard Disk space,
1024x768 in 65K colors/16 bits (24+ bits recommended).

Mac OS X v10.5+,
2GHz MacIntel processor or faster,
1GB of free RAM (2GB recommended),
200 MB of free Hard Disk space,
1024x768 in 65K colors/16 bits (24+ bits recommended).

Supported Applications Windows
3DSMax: 32bit version: 3DSMax 7 to 2012*, 64bit version: 3DSMax 9 to 2012*
Cinema 4D: 32bit version: Cinema 4D R9.6 to R12, 64bit version: Cinema 4D R9.6 to R12
LightWave 3D: 32bit version: LightWave 3D 9.3 to 10, 64bit version: LightWave 3D 9.3 to 10
Maya: 32bit version: Maya 6 to 2012, 64bit version: Maya 8 to 2012
Softimage|XSI: 32bit version: XSI 5.1 to Softimage 2011*, 64bit version: XSI 5.1 to Softimage 2011*

Supported Applications Macintosh - MacIntel architecture only
Cinema 4D: 32bit version: Cinema 4D R10 to R12, 64bit version: Cinema 4D R10 to R12
LightWave 3D: 32bit version: LightWave 3D 9.3 to 10, 64bit version: LightWave 3D 9.3 to 10
Maya: 32bit version: Maya 8.5 to 2012, 64bit version: Maya 8.5 to 2012

Download (WUpload)
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CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra Multilanguage

Windows Sofware | CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra Multilanguage | 660 MB
CyberLink PowerDirector 10 is a world's fastest video editing software! With a 2nd generation TrueVelocity rendering engine that’s faster than ever, along with the richest end-to-end 3D editing suite available, PowerDirector 10 is redefining digital video editing. PowerDirector 10 now has even more powerful features and one-click fixes that help you to edit & enhance your footage and produce stunning video effortlessly. For advanced users, PowerDirector 10’s huge set of editing tools let you control everything from keyframe to audio. PowerDirector 10's feature-rich, yet intuitive user interface puts your video editing needs within easy reach. You'll find sophisticated video editing essentials along with innovations that put efficiency first like snap-to-grid positioning, nested projects and easy grouping of media, all on a flexible 100-track timeline. PowerDirector 10 introduces the most comprehensive 3D editing features available. Now you can make top quality 3D movies at home on your PC!.

End-to-end 3D editing includes support for native 3D videos and photos as well as the conversion of 2D content to 3D, expansive editing support for 3D titles, 3D particles, 3D effects, 3D menus and more, broad 3D format output and burning options, and even direct upload of 3D videos to YouTube.

PowerDirector is the world's first native 64-bit consumer video editor, enabling improved system efficiency and faster loading of HD video footage. Already the fastest editor on the market, the latest version of PowerDirector introduces rendering engine innovations that take video processing speeds to new heights. To the range of TrueVelocity technologies that improve previewing, effects rendering, format conversions, and outputting of videos, PowerDirector 10 has added OpenCL support, an enhanced HD video encoder and a patented Intelligent SVRT technology to help users to produce better videos in less time. Leveraging both hardware and software technologies to speed up video processing, PowerDirector 10 harnesses system GPU power via OpenCL for incomparable effects rendering speed, while a brand new H.264 media encoder rapidly processes HD video.

DirectorZone, PowerDirector's popular video editing community, is where you can download, upload, share, subscribe and comment on other users' effects. Join millions of others at DirectorZone and find the perfect addition to your projects or learn from the editing expertise of Power Directors by studying user-uploaded timelines showing exactly how they've created their movie sequences.

Award-Winning Performance with TrueVelocity:
The world's fastest video editor just got faster! Experience the mind-blowing video production speed of PowerDirector 10.
• Faster Rendering with TrueVelocity 2 – 2nd gen. native 64-bit video engine delivers even more rendering speed.
• OpenCL for Optimal Video Effect Speed -- Harnesses GPU power for greatly improved video effect speed.
• Intelligent Rendering with SVRT -- Analyzes an entire project, chooses best output profile for production speed.

Spectacular Movie Creation:
Over 300 pro-level video and audio editing tools make any creative vision a reality.
• Pro-Quality HD Editing -- Edit with a huge variety of tools, transitions and effects on a flexible 100 track timeline.
• Powerful Core Tools -- Crop and rotate videos or precisely trim footage with PowerDirector’s Zoom-in Cut™.
• One-Click Fixes -- Instantly correct lighting, shakiness, artifacts or upscaling to HD with TrueTheater enhancements.

Richest End-to-End 3D Video Editing:
Making impressive 3D movies is no longer just Hollywood's privilege. Now you can make your own 3D movies at home.
• Import All the Latest 3D Formats -- Either from files or straight from 3D cameras/phones.
• Edit it All in 3D! – Enjoy a complete 3D editing workflow including 3D titles, disc menus, transition effects and more.
• Output to 3D Formats -- Burn your project to industry standard 3D Blu-ray, 3D AVCHD or 3D DVD discs.

Internet's #1 Video Editing Community:
Join the increasing number of people editing their videos with PowerDirector and sharing & learning on DirectorZone.
• 200,000+ FREE Effects -- Find the perfect effect, template, or DVD menu to set your project off.
• Learn with Tutorials & Timelines -- Get the most out of your software with tutorials & timelines uploaded by others.
• Sharing Made Easy -- Share your work to video sites like YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Daily Motion and more.

What's new in CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra
- Now correctly enters the Edit window after capturing video.
- Improves the stability of selecting “Set Aspect Ratio” in the right click menu.
- Now allows users to sign in to Freesound.
- Produced MPEG-2 clips with the Black and White effect and a 3D-Like title are no longer interlaced.
- Application now behaves as expected if users click [Stop"> when previewing a 3D 4:3 disc at full screen using a 120Hz display device..
- Improves application launch performance on AMD platforms.
- Now correctly enters the Create Disc window after inserting a project on the timeline.
- Now allows for the output of video files to a folder path that contains Unicode characters

- Holidays pack v3
- True Romance PowerDirector 10 pack content


CyberLink PowerDirector Ultra Multilanguage

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Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 SP2 Final

Windows Sofware | Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 SP2 Final | 861.6 MB
Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 - a powerful, efficient and easy to work for a quick implementation of the full cycle of processing video from capture to display. This allows you to perform the download, installation and trimming video in SD and HD. While working on a video, you can use these templates, artistic media, like video effects, music, titles, transitions, and more. Evaluate the possibility of new functions lapse animation and time-lapse mode and then export to a format 3D! The product contains everything needed to edit video on a professional level.

System requirements:
Microsoft ® Windows ® 7, Windows Vista ® or Windows ® XP with latest service packs (32 - or 64-bit)
Recommended processor Intel ® Core ™ Duo 1,83 GHz, AMD Dual-Core 2,0 GHz or higher
1 GB of RAM (2 GB or more)
Video Memory 128 MB or more (256 MB or more recommended)
3 GB of free hard disk space
Minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768
Sound card compatible with Windows ®
Compatible with Windows ® DVD-drive (for installation CD)
To create a disc Blu-ray ™ drive required Blu-ray ™ recordable
For the functions performed through the Internet, and viewing video tutorials requires an Internet connection

Features VideoStudio Pro X4:
* Import from HDV, AVCHD, Blu-ray Disc and JVC HD camcorders
* Save video as HD MPEG-4 files to the Internet with compression H.264 codec
* Export of HD movies on DVD or Blu-Ray discs with BD-J activation
* Professional templates for HD video from RevoStock
* Music broadcast-quality titles, transitions and effects in real time
* Customizable audio tracks with support for SmartSound sound and Dolby Digital 5.1
* Package Effects NewBlue, including a 3D-movement
* Supports NVIDIA CUDA technology and the Intel Core i7
* Quick Edit mode to create videos in minutes
* New redesigned user interface
* Upload videos directly to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook and Flickr
* Record HD video on standard DVD media for viewing on a standard DVD and Blu-Ray players
* Save your clips for iPod, iPhone, PSP and other mobile devices

• Easy wizard-driven interface
The simple interface makes it easier to start creating your own movies and slide shows.
• Express projects
Professional templates help you create films, "Hollywood" level.
• Enhanced! Library
Instantly search component films with optimized navigation bar.
• Enhanced! Hardware speedup
Increasing the speed of processing and visualization with support for new high-performance hardware, including microprocessors second generation Intel ® Core ™ and AMD, as well as multi-core microprocessors and tools speed up the graphics processor.
• Functions of proxy files
To speed up the work edited footage in low resolution, then the result is rendered in HD.
• New! Time-lapse animation
Create a cartoon with people, dolls and other objects.
• New! The effect of time-lapse
Fast playback of video for creating the effect of time-lapse photography.
• New! Export to 3D
Conversion of two-dimensional films in 3D-format that can be viewed using the 3D-glasses (included in kit).
• Vibrant artistic effects
Opportunity to express themselves creatively through unique effects used in the present tense.
• Selection of Music
The possibility of the creation of the soundtrack with the help of free tracks from a library of SmartSound ® or your own audio.
• The combined survey
Sinematografichesky popular technique: objects, taken at a background, then you can put on any background.
• Module artistic treatment
Imitation brush strokes, handwriting or pencil strokes for art design film.
• Easy downloading HD-video
Quick search and copying of video from a camera phone or just not in the usual format, but in high-definition format.
• Cutting the video
The ability to simply remove the fragments of uselessness in one simple step, leaving only the best shots.
• Advanced editing features
Easily create movies by playfully access to Prof. editing tools.
• Imports of high-definition video
Working with HD-video in popular formats such as AVCHD ™ and HDV ™.
• Functions of proxy files
Quick editing of HD-video even on computers with an average level of performance: editing is done at a reduced resolution, and then the result is rendered in HD.
• Easy to write to HD
Create and burn HD movies to DVD and Blu-ray Disc ™.
• Through the Internet
Download video on YouTube ™, Vimeo ®, Flickr ®, Facebook ® and other websites.
Demonstration of making a film on the iPad ®, iPhone ®, PSP ® and other mobile devices.
• Discs
Create DVD and Blu-ray ™ professional features with menus, titles and transitions using the built-in creation and writing of DVD and Blu-ray ™.
• The extension projects
Means of Smart Package now includes technology and WinZip ® can simply transfer the project files from one computer to another.

3 ways of making movies:
* Transfer Wizard from DV to DVD - transfer files directly from your camcorder to a disc.
* Movie Wizard - create beautifully decorated film in minutes, using a high-quality patterns.
* Editor VideoStudio - disclosure of creativity with a complete set of tools for video editing.

Powerful tools. Creativity without limits:
* Compile and record HD DVD; Plus
* Create complex effects "picture in picture" and special effects, up to 6 tracks with superimposed;
* Create tracks with surround sound Dolby ® Digital 5.1 and work with high-definition video formats (HD);
* Create a video for the standard and wide screen 16:9, as well as CDs with slide shows;
decoration home movies with hundreds of customizable effects, filters and transitions.

Output in any format for any device:
* The output video format H.246, MPEG-4, or on mobile devices such as iPod ®, iPhone ®, PSP ®, Zune ™, PDA, smartphone and videophones Nokia ®; Plus
* Easy to publish video blog on YouTube ™ or any other video sites; Plus
Burn DVD-ROM drive, create videopodarkov, manufacturing and marketing presentations archived video collection;
* Create video albums on the Internet to show family and friends.

Supported formats Input / Output:

Input formats:
• Video. AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVCHD, MPEG-4, H.264, BDMV, DV, HDV, DivX ®, QuickTime ®, RealVideo ®, Windows Media ®, MOD (file format, JVC ® MOD), M2TS, M2T, TOD, 3GPP, 3GPP2
• Sound. Dolby Digital Stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1, MP3, MPA, WAV, QuickTime, Windows Media Audio
• A disc. DVD, Video CD (VCD), Super Video CD (SVCD)

Output formats:
Video: AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, AVCHD ™, MPEG-4, H.264, BDMV, DV, HDV ™, divX ®, QuickTime ®, RealVideo ®, Windows Media ®, MOD (file format, JVC ® MOD ), M2TS, M2T, TOD, 3GPP, 3GPP2
Sound: Dolby ® Digital Stereo, Dolby ® Digital 5.1, MP3, MPA, WAV, QuickTime, Windows Media ® Audio
Discs: DVD, Video CD (VCD), Super Video CD (SVCD)

Supported I / O devices:
- 1394 FireWire cards for use with video cameras DV/D8/HDV ™
- OHCI-compatible devices with IEEE-1394
- Camera DV function with streaming video over USB (UVC - USB Video Class)
- Maps capture analog video for analog camcorders (VFW and WDM support for Windows XP, as well as Broadcast Driver Architecture for Windows Vista and Windows 7)
- Video capture device with analog and digital TV (with support for Broadcast Driver Architecture)
- Capture devices with USB-ports: web cameras and camcorders with the disk / memory / hard drive
- Compatible with Windows ® drive Blu-ray ™, DVD-R/RW, DVD + R / RW, DVD-RAM or CD-R/RW
- Apple ® iPhone ®, iPad ®, iPod classic ® with video, iPod touch ®, Sony ® PlayStation Portable ®, PDA, Smartphone

Changes in version
- Improved quality of transitions in project output
- Improved compatibility with multiple video file formats, including Mpeg2, Mpeg4, AVI and H.264
- Fix for crashes occurring when importing certain files with Chinese Traditional file names
- Fix for incorrect placement and numbering of disc menu thumbnails
- Chapter menu changes can now be saved
- Fix for crashes occurring while previewing Corel MotionStudio 3D files (. C3D) in the filter customization page
- Improved stability when enabling / disabling hardware acceleration
- Improved stability when enabling Smart Proxy and hardware acceleration
- Improved stability when importing AVCHD folders

Treatment procedure:
Run the installer. Asks the serial number.
Run the keygen Serial Copy window, enter in the installation program and do not close keygen.
The installation will start. Zhdems!
When you first open a window with a request to activate the program. Click * Other activation options *.
In the next window, click * Call the company Corel *.
* Now copy the code to set * of the window to activate the program and paste it into a string * Installation Code * in keygen without spaces. In keygene click Activation.
Copy * Activation Code * and insert it into the window activation in the activation code * *. Click to continue. All software is registered. Thank you! The process of buying completed.


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Wondershare AllMyTube


Wondershare AllMyTube | 23 MB

Wondershare AllMyTube is an all-in-one app, which features as a professional online video downloader and a powerful video converter. It enables you to download videos from hot video sharing websites, like YouTube, Facebook, Metacafe, Vimeo, etc. and convert the downloaded videos to almost all popular video formats. Besides, AllMyTube is also an FLV video player and manager. The built-in FLV player allows you to enjoy FLV on Mac cozily. The Library helps you manage FLV videos orderly. What’s more, with one click, you can share your videos on Facebook and Twitter instantly.

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ImTOO PodWorks Platinum 5.0.0 Build 1130


ImTOO PodWorks Platinum 5.0.0 Build 1130 | 43 MB

ImTOO PodWorks Platinum is the ultimate iPod software which can help you to convert and transfer multimedia files between iPod/iPhone, PC and iTunes. It has a simple and comprehensive interface that will help you deal with your daily transfers between PC and iPod with ease.

Here are some key features of "PodWorks Platinum":

· Transfer iPod/iPhone music, videos, photos, playlists and eBooks to PC quickly and efficiently. Synchronize iTunes with your iPod/iPhone is also supported.
· Rip all contents in DVD/CD discs and convert to iPod/iPhone compatible files, transfer to the devices immediately after the conversion.
· Convert videos and audios to media files playable on your iPod/iPhone and transfer to the devices right away.
· Enables you to surf on the most popular online video websites within the application, download online and convert to the formats compatible with iPod/iPhone and transfer to the devices instantly.
· Make personalized iPhone M4R ringtones from audio files, import photos to create photo albums and move to iPod/iPhone at once.
· Transfer eBooks in PDF and EPUB formats between iPod/iPhone and PC directly without iTunes.
· Support connecting several different iPod/iPhone simultaneously and realize the file synchronization between these devices.
· Fully support all iPod /iPhone models, iOS 4.2, iPhone 4 and iTunes 10.
· Logon and look through top rated online videos sites, including YouTube, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Break, Vimeo, Revver, Blip, Vidilife and Stickam.
· Read and export photos and videos shot by the device conveniently.
· Provides optimized profiles to convert DVDs / videos / audios to iPod/iPhone files. Automatically select a compatible profile for the imported file.
· Simultaneously manage iPods and other iOS devices without conflict simply by drag-and-drop to share your files with other users.
· Convenient and effective to add files into the application, import one by one or the whole folder directly. Create new playlists and photo albums freely.
· Proxy server configuration, built-in resizable media player, NVIDIA GPU acceleration and multi-lingual interfaces are available.

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All product in the website 
Download :

ImTOO iPad Mate PlatinumWindows Product Download V4.233.0MBDownload

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Xcode 4.3 iOS SDK 5.1 Beta 1 (Lion)

Xcode 4.3 iOS SDK 5.1 Beta 1 (Lion) | 1.69 GB

Apple has released iOS 4.3, the latest version of its operating system for mobile devices. This is available for iPhone (4 and 3GS), iPod Touch (3rd and 4th generation) as well as iPad and iPad 2 devices. The update is available through iTunes 10.2 for both Windows and Mac systems. Note that whilst the iPhone 3G was supported for the iOS 4.2 update, it is no longer supported in the iOS 4.3 update. Since iOS 4.3 contains security updates, this may leave iPhone 3G users vulnerable.

iOS 4.3 introduces the “personal hotspot” feature, first seen in the iPhone 4 on Verizon. This allows the iPhone to create a virtual hotspot for use by up to five devices; three over WiFi, three over bluetooth and one over USB. Data access over the virtual hotspot may be routed through a different APN (the data routing access point for the network) and charged under different rates to the main iPhone data plan.

Another addition is that of iTunes home sharing, which brings iTunes into the world of media centres. Although it's always been possible to stream media from an iTunes server to an iTunes desktop computer, this integrates other iOS devices to consume (as well as broadcast) media to other AirPlay devices.

For iPad users, iOS 4.3 brings sanity back to the hardware switch, as a software setting which allows changing between mute and orientation lock. For both iPad and iPhone/iPod devices, the new operating system brings improved performance, particularly in the WebKit implementation of the Safari browser

Although the iOS 4.3 announcement specifically excludes the iPhone 4 CDMA model, it is likely that the initial OS version is very similar to iOS 4.3, and will be revved if needed with a point update later.

Finally, Apple has released of Xcode 4 (release notes). This is a significant reworking of the underlying build too, similar to the evolution of Xcode replacing Project Builder in the early stages of OSX development. It includes Git as standard, and uses the LLVM toolchain (version 2.0), as well as the new LLDB debugger. Although Xcode 3 remains available for free, Xcode 4 is only available to those with a paid developer account; however, Xcode is also available as a $5 download via the Mac App Store for non-developers. This is the first time that an Apple development kit has not been available for free since OSX was released; whilst it won't impact any current developers it may dissuade those from initially trying out development on the OSX platform.

Additionally, Xcode 4 now integrates functionality from Interface Builder, which is used to create UIs for OSX and iOS systems. Rather than having two separate applications, Xcode 4 now allows the UI to be edited in-place, in a similar way to editing source files. IBPlugins are deprecated, so that they are no longer available in Xcode 4, though systems will continue to build if they have generated UIs in the past with IBPlugins.

Note that not only does Xcode 4 require an Intel Mac (10.6.6 or above), it also removes the availability for developing PPC applications or kernel extensions.


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Adobe Flash Builder v4.6 Premium by m0nkrus (x86/x64)

Adobe Flash Builder v4.6 Premium by m0nkrus (x86/x64) | 1.07 GB

Adobe Flash Builder - an integrated development environment for creating cross-platform rich Internet applications. Using Flash Builder, create applications that use the infrastructure of Adobe Flex, MXML, Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR, ActionScript, Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES components and Adobe Flex Charting. Also includes tools for testing, debugging and profiling, which is achieved through increased productivity and effektivnost.Adobe Flash Builder has a multilingual.

Options Flash Builder:
- Creating Flex projects with support for Adobe ColdFusion and Adobe LiveCycle Data Services
- Build applications that provide access to remote data services
- Writing and editing the application source code using editors
- Create functions within ActionScript or MXML code in separate files
- Creating custom components and a simple appeal to him
- Project management applications via a set of functions provided by the basic environment IDE Eclipse
- Development of applications in different ways using the built-builders
- Running applications in web-browser or standalone Flash Player
- Debugging in Flash Builder with integrated debugging tools
- Publication of the application source code to provide users and other developers
- Create a project library enables you to create a common library of components
- Configure interface integrated development environment (IDE)

In addition to the Standard version of Flash Builder Premium version includes the profiling of memory and performance, as well as automated testing tools. To view the data sent between the client and service data, using a network monitor. In the test environment to create and modify FlexUnit repeatable tests that can be run from scripts directly in Flash Builder or outside of the Flash Builder. Build a command line function allows you to synchronize some of the assembly with the developer nightly builds.

List of changes
What changed me:
- The distributions are integrated with Adobe Air update to version
- The distribution is integrated with an update to Adobe Community Help to version 3.5.023.
- By kutsemu installer ESD-version added a menu similar to the Box-version. Made it in the image of the same menu for the product line of CS4. Attention! This menu is only available in English and Russian languages.
- In the folder there is a Crack keygen patch, which allows to register Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 Premium. Plus, there is an alternative method of activation, based on the substitution of the original files for patched.

Interface languages
It can be installed with the interface in the following languages: en_US, ja_JP, de_DE, fr_FR, zh_CN, ru_RU, en_GB, ar_AE, da_DK, el_GR, fi_FI, he_IL, nb_NO, ro_RO, ko_KR, zh_TW, fr_CA, es_ES, es_MX, it_IT, pt_BR, nl_NL, sv_SE, cs_CZ, pl_PL, tr_TR, hu_HU, uk_UA.

The procedure for treatment Instructions on how to activate:
1. Run the patch the crack (as administrator) and click Patch Hosts File.
2. Generate key for Adobe Flash Builder v4.5x.
3. Install the program using the previously generated key.
4. Enjoy the registered version of the product!

An alternative method (if the first did not work):

1. Install the trial version of the program.
2. Replace all the original files amtservices.dll, located in the folder where to install application, modified files from folder Crack, previously backed up the original files.
3. Generate key for Adobe Flash Builder v4.5x.
4. Run the program and the pop-up window, enter the previously generated key.
5. Enjoy the registered version of the product!

System requirements:
- CPU with at least 2 GHz
- Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista Ultimate, or Enterprise (32 - or 64-bit version that runs 32-bit mode), Windows Server 2008 (32-bit) or Windows 7 (32 - or 64-bit version that runs 32-bit mode)
- 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
- 1.5 GB free hard disk space
- Java Virtual Machine (32-bit): IBM JRE 1.6 or Sun JRE 1.6
- Screen resolution of 1024x768 (recommended 1280x800) with 16-bit video card
- DVD-ROM drive
- Software Eclipse 3.6.1 (for plug-in installation)

Year: 2011
Version: 4.6
Developer: Adobe
By assembling: m0nkrus
Platform: Windows x86-x64
Compatible with Seven: full


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